The IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) is a 15 digit number that identifies a phone. It’s also used to block your phone if it’s stolen.
Finding your phone’s IMEI
The simplest way to find the IMEI is to dial *#06#. You can also find it in Settings, or in the battery compartment if your phone has a removable battery.
Finding the IMEI on an iPhone
Other than dialling *#06#, there are several ways to find the IMEI on your iPhone.
If you have an iPhone 5, 5c and 5s, the IMEI will be printed on the back of the phone, at the bottom.
If you have an iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4 or 4s, the IMEI will be printed on the sim tray.
You can also find it by going to Settings, tapping General and then IMEI/MEID.
Finding the IMEI on an Android
To find the IMEI on your Android, dial *#06#. Or, go to Settings, tap About Phone, followed by Status or Phone Identity. Then scroll down to see your phone’s IMEI.
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