Deeper Insights in Current Travel Patterns

O2 Motion data is key to providing a comprehensive understanding of rural travel demand and patterns

Created specifically for businesses

O2 Motion’s anonymised travel data is helping Connected Places Catapult assess travel patterns in rural/urban border areas to develop sustainable transport solutions for the future of rural mobility.

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Under 10 employees

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Call us at 0800 028 0202

10+ employees, Enterprise and Public Sector

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Call us at 0800 955 5590

Key benefits

25m Users

Our huge reach, approaching 30% of the UK mobile market, allows for an unparalleled dataset reflecting public travel, more reliable than surveys or focus groups.

Activity-based travel patterns

Data forms the basis of transport models designed to simulate the need for mobility solutions and how they may impact people’s habits and the transport network.

Innovative Transport Proposals

Data helped to identify where new transport innovations would work best such as drones or on-demand mobility solutions.

Transport sector insights

O2 Motion ‘trip chain’ data emphasises the link between places and existing connections between the peripheries of urban and rural areas.

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"O2’s data gave us both a solid base for our research to help us build an accurate picture of current travel demand across a variety of key geographies as well as key insights to tailor business models for new mobility services and support the levelling up of rural areas.”  

Dr Patrizia Franco,
Connected Places Catapult

"This project shows that our trip chain-based insights are emerging as a standard asset for establishing travel patterns across the UK. They’re key to building agent-based models to simulate and visualise the need for crucial new mobility solutions for rural communities.”  

Andrew Gillham,
Business Development Director, O2 Motion

Get in touch

We're here to help your business.

Under 10 employees

0800 028 0202

10+ employees, Enterprise and Public sector